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360° view and 3D Animation For Mobile Apps & Online Games

  • 出版日期 十一月 29, 2016
  • 由 Maria Antony


Online 3D gaming industry is flourishing at a burgeoning rate these days. Gone are the days when everyone used to cling on to their gaming consoles and cell phones to enjoy playing 2D games. The times are definitely changing with the advent of 3D online card games (like Gamentio), Virtual Reality games (like Batman Arkham), and Augmented Reality games (like Pokemon GO).


An interactive 3D environment is imperative from a user’s perspective so as to keep them hooked to the game. In Virtual Reality games, an audiovisual simulated 3D environment is the backbone of the game on which thrives the whole gaming experience of the user.


On Gamentio, a player is able to have a holistic view of the room from every angle such that the player is able to explore his surroundings. 3D Avatars and 3D Animations make the game more interesting to play. The player can select any one game from the list of card games and play it online for free.


Creating an engaging experience for the players ensures an active participation from players of all age groups and this where 3D functionalities animations and a 360° view comes into play in a game. Take a look into this infographic to know more about the positive impacts of having a 360° view in your 3D game.

Experience 3D Gaming

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